Love Large Print – Campaign Launch

Fri 28 Feb, 1pm

Join LOVE LARGE PRINT for their campaign launch event - there will be food, beverages, and live entertainment, as well as displays and talks about large print publications.

At a glance…

LOVE LARGE PRINT is a campaign to raise awareness and improve accessibility for users of large print books.

Why are we doing this?

Large print books have been limited and are slowly disappearing from shelves, as publishers and stockist priorities constantly shift towards new technology. This puts the burden on vision impaired readers to purchase and learn new software and equipment, excludes people who cannot afford to purchase new technology and removes choice and autonomy from disabled readers.

The project is led by visually impaired writer, Wendy Imashev, who has lived experience of these issues and is informed by vision impaired and disabled readers across the UK.

Wendy and her team of community support partners will be responding to the needs of readers, writers, and the literary community by creating opportunities for large print readers, writers and stakeholders to come together.

LOVE LARGE PRINT events will create opportunities for local writers and poets to read their work to vision impaired audiences and to editors, agents and publishers, thus helping to grow an industry responsive to vision impaired readers, writers and book lovers across the UK.

About Wendy Imashev

Wendy is a cross-genre writer and poet who is vision impaired due to macular degeneration.

Wendy has a long track record of working in accessibility, supporting people with disabilities and access needs via social enterprises. She was shortlisted as International Woman of the Year (Venus Awards) in 2015.

Wendy has first-hand experience of the service gaps in large print for writers and readers, and is a champion for the vision impaired.

This is an independently organised event and will take place from 1pm in Function Rooms 1 and 2. It is free to attend.