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Soundstorm and Armonico Consort present

Africa… A Singing Continent!

Thu 14 Nov 2024

Armonico Consort
AC Academy Choirs
Director: Christopher Monks

In 2020 Armonico Consort developed a partnership in Kenya to bring their choir creation programme to local organisations working with street children and vulnerable young people. The musical heritage of Kenyans is such a precious part of their community, and they were generous in sharing their songs.

This amazing experience inspired them to create a programme of both traditional and contemporary African songs from across the diverse continent performed by Armonico’s superb AC Academy children’s choirs, local schools and accompanied by a small professional band.

This promises to be a totally uplifting celebration of African music.

Splendid (Naked Byrd)

The Independent

The Times

BBC Music Magazine

Pure Pleasure

The Guardian