Jack’s just in time to win


Stormzy’s drummer Matty Brown was at Lighthouse on Sunday to judge the Zildjian Young Drummer of the Year contest.

A former winner himself, he told the BBC: “I was 15 when I won it and it absolutely gave me the confidence to do the things that I’m doing now.”

Monday’s edition of BBC South Today included a filmed report of the event featuring winner Jack Manders who was able to celebrate his 16th birthday – the last day he could qualify to be in the competition – by taking a brand-new drum kit home to Cornwall.

The event is organised by Dorset-based drummer Mike Dolbear, who said: “These are the top ten kids in the country at playing the drums. They’re at the beginning of the marathon.

“These kids will be playing in big bands in the next ten years.”

He went on to pay tribute to Lighthouse, adding: “Your team as always were top notch and I have to say it makes me proud when the CEO of the biggest music company in the world is blown away with your venue and staff and what we have all achieved here.”