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Tilted Wig presents


Tue 5 – Sat 9 Nov 2024

A new story inspired by the classic novel by Mary Shelley
Written and directed by Seán Aydon 1943.

Whilst Europe tears itself apart, two women hide from their past at what feels like the very end of the world. And one of them has a terrifying story to tell…

“I created life. You don’t believe me but it’s true. I didn’t start from scratch of course but out of portions and odd ends I made something–alive. But what I created… it wasn’t a superhuman. It was a monster.”

This new thriller inspired by the classic gothic novel and complete with a stunning original score explores the very fabric of what makes us human and the ultimate cost of chasing “perfection”

"Theatre at its best can surprise and delight, and this production did exactly that."

Behind The Arras

"The scene between the Creature and his master is particularly moving."

East Midlands Theatre

“A superb interpretation”

Fairy Powered Productions

"A thought-provoking and original take on the story."

Theatre & Tonic

Gallery (previous cast)